Pokémon Unite Announced - But What Next?

After this morning's announcement by The Pokémon Company of 'Pokémon Unite', a team-based mobile battle arena game created in cooperation with China’s Tencent, the total count for Pokémon game variants has officially hit triple figures.

Impressive, of course, but is the Pokémon juggernaut starting to run out of steam? How many more ideas and re-hashed games can there be?

Well, as helpful as we like to be, we decided we would come up with a few sure-fire, best-seller ideas for The Pokémon Company's next installment.

1). Pokémon Cook

A game in which your favourite Pokémon cook their favourite meals. Weedle will teach you how to make a lovely cocktail of tree leaf and sap, Squirtle can show you the ways that water can really improve the taste of almost any food stuff (bread excluded of course. Soggy bread can rot in hell). Also, let's not even get started on how hot a Charmander curry would be.

Now, "Is this a game though?", we hear you scream. "Yes", we say.

After you have mastered the delights of Pokémon food culture, the battle begins. This battle, obviously, is a food fight.

Who doesn't love a food fight?!

2). Pokémon Snooze

Waking up is hard right? That pesky little snooze button gets hit more times than a whack-a-mole. However, could your favourite gaming franchise change this for you?

Imagine it, at bedtime you connect with players around the world and you set your alarms to go off at the same time. You choose your Pokémon for battle, and off to dreamland you go.

Then, in the morning, the battle begins! As you wake to your alarm, you thrash an arm out at the snooze button. As your phone registers acknowledgement, you are instantly greeted with the excited call of your Pokémon, or the painful cry of it if you have failed. First person to hit the snooze button deals the winning blow!

Here's where the game helps you; if you win, the game deactivates the snooze option and blares the alarm full pelt at you until you open the app and register that you are awake. Now, not only are you up, you are ready to face the world as a champion!

There is one slight downside though; if you fail, the game deactivates the alarm altogether, and now the chances are that you will need to start working on excuses for the boss as to why you are late for work.

"I was playing Pokémon Snooze" may not be enough!

3). Pokémon GO 2

Same as the first one. Exactly the same.

But this one has a '2' at the end, so it is new.

Hey, you like Pokémon right? You know you're going to play it, so let's just agree this game will probably happen in the future.

So there we have it, three sure-fire winning ideas for The Pokémon Company to invest in. We're not greedy, but if they would like to consult us on these ideas, and pay us a fee for the concepts, then we are waiting to hear from them.

If you have any ideas for future Pokémon games then feel free to comment in the section below. You never know, The Pokémon Company may pick one of your ideas, and you might just become that millionaire you always dreamed of becoming!
