PMQs - The Questions We All Want To See

The Prime Minister's Questions (PMQs) is a staple of British politics. Taking place on a weekly basis, it is an opportunity for the MPs of the land to flex their mind and verbal muscles to the maximum, essentially with the intent of embarrassing whichever poor sod is the Prime Minister at the time.

Over the past few years, as a result of Brexit (and the fallout thereof), the people of this great nation have reconnected with this weekly soap opera, and regularly tune in to see the latest debates and quips, no doubt all of which have been designed by their aides, rather than the MPs themselves.

However, do people really care about the questions currently being asked?

"Will the Prime Minister commit to fixing the fence around the Ashford Recreational Park?" - He will say yes, but who really cares?!

"Does the Prime understand the anger in Rotherham at the library closure?" - Why would he say no?!

The majority of people don't care about the questions asked, and we think that should change, so we hit to streets to ask members of the public what they would like asked on a weekly basis. Here are just a few of the responses we received:

Peter, 42, Glasgow
"Prime Minister, I recently painted my shed brown. Whilst this was the safe choice, do you think it was the correct choice?"
Rosie, 18, Somerset
"Could the Prime Minister confirm if he strictly sticks to Heinz for his ketchup and beans, or if he embraces diversity, sometimes plumping for a Branston alternative?"

Charlotte, 20, Newcastle

"Prime Minister, if you had to wear two different shoes every time you were in public, would you stick with one style, or mix and match? Maybe one smart shoe, and one running trainer for when you need to get away?"

India, 38, Cheltenham

"Prime Minister, is five pints of cider a day ok?"

Charles, 56, Wrexham

"Have you ever considered, as a money saving idea, using Fiverr to hire freelancers to do some of the government's work?"

I think we can all agree that the people of this country would love to see a broader range of questions asked, and from our research, we can certainly see that the population can be trusted to ask the hard hitting questions that will make the PM squirm!

Do you have any questions you would like brought up at PMQs? If so, leave a comment below, and maybe it will happen!


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