Top 5 Ways To Lose A Hamster

We've all been there. Living our lives, day after day, making what we can of the time we have.

However, it's always there. Following you. Mocking you.

Yes, that's right, the bloody hamster!

Now, more often than not they will eventually leave you alone and target a new victim. However, this can take up to four weeks, and who wants to wait that long to be hamster free?

Not us, that's for sure! So just for you guys, we have compiled the five most effective ways to lose that hamster for good. Let's begin....

1). Hire a Guinea Pig to intimidate the hamster

These boys are big, intimidating, and will most certainly put the spooks up the hamster enough to make it quit.

The reason that using these faux pigs is so effective is that they look so much like a hamster, the hamster itself will think that a giant hamster is trying to muscle in on its territory. At this point the 'fight or flight' response will kick in, and that pesky hamster will move on to pastures new.

Of course, you are then left with the issue of what to do with the guinea pig, but that's tomorrow's problem, not today's!

2). Ensure that Rick Astley's 'Never Gonna Give You Up' is playing loudly at all times

This is a bit of a two pronged attack if we're honest. Firstly, hamsters are not too keen on loud noise to begin with. Secondly, 80's music is their least favourite music. A combination of a loud sound, mixed with this music genre is almost guaranteed to chase away Mr. Stalky Pants.

"If they hate all 80's music, why does it have to be Rick Astley" I hear you say. True, it doesn't have to be Rick Astley, but the question we will ask you is, "Why wouldn't you choose Rick Astley?!"

3). Give it a taste of its own medicine

Now, just like how humans have double standards, hamsters are just the same. Despite LOVING to follow people, they HATE it when people do it back to them. So, a sure fire way to get rid of one? Follow it back!

Sure you could do this in person, but if you really want to be on-trend, we suggest that you get online and find that furball on one of the multiple social media sites. Once you have found it, follow it. Give it 2-3 days and he will leave you alone. 80-95% success rate!

4). Walk sideways

Simple this one. Hamsters hate crabs. Walking sideways will make the hamster think you're a crab. They are scared of crabs. They will leave you alone.

Can you blame them? We can't.

Look at that bloody thing. It's an armoured water spider with an enormous pincer. Why would anyone not be scared of them?!

5). Keep crossing the road

Unfortunately, the above humane options may not always work, which will leave you with only one option; cross some roads. The more crosses, the more chances of 'success'.

As an added bonus, you need not feel guilty. The hamster is following you, and if they are not fast enough to avoid obstacles, is that your fault? No

Does it mean that you become hamster free? YES

So there we have it, our top five ways to lose a hamster! Simple and effective.

Do you have a better method? Have you seen a better way to do it recently? Let us know in the comments box below.
