BBC Three is back! What could be next?

After a five year hiatus from our television screens, BBC Three is returning to the mainstream, and moving away from it's online-based model. 

Thoughts are mixed on this, but either way it makes us think: What else is due a comeback?


Sexy times

A staple of adolescent male viewing in the early 00's, M&M provided a legitimate way for testosterone filled young men to get their fix of mild nudity. Throughout the day, the premise was to pretend you like watching cars, but once the sun went down, the buns came out! 

Shut down in 2010, the pure luck that the internet had escalated to the scale it was meant that young fellas across the country were not left frustrated for too long. However, it's been over a decade, so maybe it is time for a return?

ITV Play

Scammers Unite

Launching in 2006, and closing in 2007, this was a 24/7 gaming channel. Re-mortgage your house to call in, sell your Grandmother to play the next round. Regulators found the channel guilty of making answers stupidly hard, such as 'balaclava' and 'rawlplug' being answers to 'What would you find in a woman's handbag?'

A savage station, questionable entertainment value, and an all round con-job. However, it was a proper old scam, and what the world is missing these days. So we say...Bring it back! If you are crazy enough to sink your money into it, then at least the rest of us to can enjoy watching that money burn!


Brexit Loving Stuff, Baby!

Nothing fancy here. The channel launched in March 2004 as UKTV People, and showed the standard UKTV stuff you expect. Top Gear, Airport, Dogs on a Train, Etc. Then, in a move that was ahead of it's time, and in preparation for the fallout that was Brexit, UKTV re-branded in an attempt to cash in on the nationalism sweeping the country. 

It didn't work, and the channel shut down and re-branded to Drama in 2013. But, in a post-Brexit world, why not give it another shot? there surely isn't enough channels showing Top Gear and Only Fools on constant repeat, right?


Now, for the jewel in the crown; Teletext! We know it isn't a TV channel, and the Internet is here to stay. However, can any amount of internet really replace the joy of Bamber Boozler posing those 12 questions on a rainy afternoon? We think Not! 

And if you were bored of quizing, why not catch up on the football results, the local news, or if you were feeling really jazzy then you could blindly book that holiday to the random town you have never heard of in the south of Spain. A gamble for sure, but cheap! 

BRING. BACK. TELETEXT. (Ceefax will do)

So that's our little list of some forgotten heroes that need to be honoured by returning them to the spotlight! Feel free to leave any comment or suggestions below. 
