Izzard the Lizzard? David Icke Speaks out

David Icke is famous all around the world for his belief in multiple conspiracy theories.

Infinite dimensions, the Saturn–Moon Matrix, and probably the way in which ants control the distribution of sugary drinks to ensure their own survival.

However, his most famous claim is that of lizard people walking among us.

Icke believes that an inter-dimensional race of reptilian beings called the Archons have hijacked the earth, and are stopping humanity from realising its true potential. He believes that a genetically modified human/Archon hybrid race of shape-shifting reptilians, known as the "Babylonian Brotherhood" or the Illuminati, manipulate global events to keep humans in constant fear, so the Archons can feed off the "negative energy" this creates.

This is all very interesting when he is pedalling the theory, but when he is quiet, it is just a background noise ignored by most. Now, however, Icke has returned to public life to level claims of reptilian ancestry at one of Britain's most loved entertainers; Eddie Izzard.

Whether Icke is now struggling for complex theories, or simply believes it, his reason for this belief is Eddie's surname; Izzard. 

Icke has claimed, "Look how close it is to 'lizard'. A lizard is a reptile, reptiles are reptilian, Eddie is a reptilian. Get it? It is so obvious".

So, there we have it, another sure-fire, fact checked claim by Mr. Icke! 

Could it be true? Could Eddie be a lizard walking among us mere mortals? Let us know what you think in the comments section below!

And remember....They are watching 😉
