Robbie Savage - The Better Alternative

Amid the accusations that Robbie Savage's commentary is 'boring', and (rather harshly we think) 'not the best', we can reveal the real reason as to how Robbie came by his role on BT Sport.

Although many people think Robbie was not the best hire that could have been made, they will also be shocked to learn that he was not BT Sport's first choice.

This honour went to Eric Djemba-Djemba, once dubbed as 'the man so good, they named him twice'.

Savage in his 'playing' days

Upon the launch of the now historic BT Sport channels, Mr Djemba-Djemba was ready to roll. Make up had been applied, and a beautifully ironed shirt and trousers had been laid out for him in the dressing room.

However, 40 minutes before the cameras started rolling, a Runner for the production team reported a quirk in his personality that immediately changed the minds of the powers that be, and his contract was paid off immediately.

It was noticed that the 'they named him twice' thing had sunk a little too deep into the psyche of the former Manchester United legend, and every sentence he uttered would contain at least three words that he would double up on.

The runner reported that as he called him out of his changing room to come to the stage he said, "Yes-yes. I am coming-coming. Do I have time-time to go to the toilet, or do I need to come now-now?".

After the original suspicion this was simply a nervous stutter, further investigation identified it as simply 'how he talks'.

This is when BT Sport turned to Savage.

Luckily for them, as one of the producers exited the building to 'have a fag, and decide what to do', they noticed Robbie Savage loading a discarded sofa into the back of a van.

Shocked by the lucky situation they immediately approached Savage, who instinctively turned to run, shouting, "The sofa was thrown out, it isn't a crime to take it".

After a few minutes of convincing Savage that they didn't care about the sofa, and Savage himself demanding it would come as part of his contract, the BT Sport hiring team had their new man!

Half an hour after the sofa incident, we were all treated to the vocal delights of the man we have now grown to love (well some of us anyway!).
