Peter Andre - "He's a Real Gent"

In the wake of the Peter Andre story detailing how fans were warned about touching him at a recent event, there has been some negative feedback for the music superstar.

The man himself addressed the story in a rather cryptic fashion on Twitter, firstly saying he was touching people, followed by reiterating for people to not touch him.

One might say that this Tweet was quite Mysterious (Girl). *Insert laugh here*

Despite this conflicting Tweet, it is obvious that Andre was unaware of the signs his management team had posted, and was actually more than happy to interact with people. Far from being a diva, as mentioned in his tweet, he is actually known for being one of the nicest men in pop.

In support of this, we were contacted by one fan who regaled us with not one, but two tales of gentlemanly behaviour that the superstar had exhibited towards the fan over the years.

Anna Bunter, 46, from Hertfordshire, has been a fan of Andre since she was a young girl. She started by telling us when her obsession began.

"I remember the Mysterious Girl video vividly. Sometimes too vividly.

"I was just a young girl when the video came out, but from the moment I saw Peter's hunky body, I was hooked. I just had to meet him".

Anna has spent the subsequent years following her hero around the world, attending over fifty gigs to date, and travelling as far afield as Sydney.

Her story continues for what feels like an eternity, as she goes into depth over every little detail of every gig she has ever been to, but eventually we get to the bit we are interested in; the two times he was a gentleman to her.

"The first time was in Berlin.

"The gig had finished, and I had been waiting at the back door of the building for him to come out. As I put my ear to the door to try and hear what was going on, it was opened by a member of his security team. I was thrown to the floor.

"But, unlike some celebrities, Peter was genuinely concerned. He instructed his security team to "pick that up before she sues", which I thought was weird as my name is Anna, but I was shocked by how kind he was."

What a gentleman! If Anna's story had stopped here, we would be content to concede he is deserving of all the accolades that can be thrown at him, but with her second story, we really feel he is 'The Gentleman of Pop'.

"The second time was just a few weeks ago. He had finished a gig in Scunthorpe and stuck around to allow all the fans to have a selfie with him. As I got to the front of the line, he said that unfortunately he was out of time and couldn't do a selfie with me. However, he promised me that he would be contacting me to arrange another time. I haven't heard from him yet, but I cannot wait for us to meet again."

We could tell from Anna's tone of voice that she has genuine admiration for this man, and who wouldn't?

With examples of kindness such as these two, it really is fair to say that Peter Andre is a superstar like no other!

Have you had an interaction with a kind celebrity? Maybe they allowed you to take a photo, or keep their used tissue? If you have experienced anything like this, we would love to hear from you! Leave a comment in the box below, and let's see just how kind the celebrity world is!
