Panic Buying Bites Population In The Backside

Today, three fresh new hashtags began trending on Twitter; #ToiletPaperGate, #ToiletPaperApocalypse, and #ToiletPaperCrisis

Caused due to the panic buying that we are seeing in the wake of the Coronavirus outbreak, shoppers are hitting the supermarkets to stockpile as much toilet paper as possible.

This is leaving the regular 'man on the street' in a precarious situation.

With the increased demand for toilet paper, shops are running low on supplies, and people are finding it hard to replenish their stocks at home.

During this period, people are understandably wondering, "What do I do when I run out?".

Don't worry though, here are the top five substitutes for if you find yourself without a roll of the white stuff at home!

1). Cotton Wool

It's soft, it's relatively strong, and everybody has this stuff hiding in a drawer somewhere at home (although nobody ever remembers buying it).

If you are looking for a paper substitute then this could be one of the best options, and one that will leave your backside feeling utterly pampered.

There is one word of warning though, and it is that cotton wool it is quite a floater (pun intended). If you have family round, make sure you flush until it is gone. Nobody needs an extra reason for the In-Laws to find fault in them!

2). Shower Head

We all know that the dream is to own a bidet.

It is one of the bonuses of visiting hotels. Open the bathroom door and, boom, a personal bottom cleaner at your disposal.

However, many of us to do not have the space or money to own one of these at home, and shoving our backsides under the shower head would normally be frowned upon.

Not during a toilet paper shortage though. In fact, your family and friends will most likely praise your inventiveness in the face of  adversity.

Hero status awaits!

3). Home Decor/Furnishings

It may be drastic, but in certain situations it is necessary.

If you fin yourself bouncing around the house, desperately searching for some makeshift toilet paper, then look now further than the items around you to do the job.

Pillow: This works on its own. Or remove the soft inards for an extra special wipe
Picture canvas: It's just hanging there doing nothing, so why not put it to good use?
Curtains: They can always be washed

Simple and effective. Just make sure you hide or dispose of the evidence before your family get home.

4). The Family Pet

Bit of a contentious one, we admit.

However, you took Fido for a walk earlier right? He is covered in mud and needs a bath anyway? Well, it just makes sense then doesn't it?

He is covered in fur. It's soft, and as well as feeling great, it will work well to take care of your hygiene requirements.

We stick by this as an option, but if you get caught, you didn't hear it from us!

5). Newspaper

We hate to admit it, especially as we like to utilise the pet option, but newspaper is almost the perfect replacement for the real thing.

It is paper after all, it is readily available at all local shops, and as you can read it before you use it, it is also multipurpose.

But slow down there cowboy. Take it easy on the wiping. Scrunching this bad boy the wrong way and just leaping straight in with an aggressive cleaning stroke can lead to a sharp surprise when using it.

Ouchy! The only drawback to an otherwise perfect substitute.

So there we have it folks. the panic buying may be biting us in the backside, but with these tips, you will always be able to keep yourself clean in the face of adversity.
