Battle of the Books - Paper Book Vs. E-Book

World Book Day is nearly upon us. On 5th March, the world will celebrate the glory of the written word.

Whether your preference is an immersive fiction novel, a non-fiction biography, or even just a text book that teaches you physics, we all love to read. 

The real question is this; what is the best way to read?

Our firm belief, despite the many positives of an E-Book, is that a traditional paper book is the only way to read. Below, we highlight the top three reasons why we should all stick to paper, and shun the fancy new technology of an E-Book! 

1). Always Available

Yes, we know that the fancy E-Book readers of today have an extremely good battery life. Yes, we know that if you are an avid reader then you will ensure that your device is charged at all times. However, a power outage could strike at any point. You may be covered for a few hours reading, maybe even a day, but what about longer?

What happens if you break your charger at 11pm at night, whilst on 3% battery? No book for you (unless you are a speed reading champion of course). Your paper book will not turn itself off though. It will always be there, ready to read, regardless of your access to electricity!

Is there ever a sadder sight? Probably

What happens if you are marooned on a desert island? Your device is not going to last forever, but a paper book will be there for you. Also, if push comes to shove, a paper book will burn for longer and keep you warm at night! 

A clear win for paper over E-Book.

2). Multipurpose

E-Book reader. Boot it up. Read a book. Turn it off. 

We are aware that the devices of today can do much more than this, including playing games and surfing the internet (hello to all of you!). However, is this really that useful?

If you want to hide something, it would be impossible to hollow out an E-Book reader and still be able to use it. However, with a paper book you can do just that (make sure you remember the bits of the story that will be missing). 

The original sneaky safe

Both an E-Book and a paper book can crush that fly that just won't leave you alone. Again though, only one of the two books will survive the attack...and it won't be the E-Book.

Another clear win for paper books.

3). Reaching high places

Everybody knows the struggle of needing to retrieve something from a high place. We ask ourselves all the time, "Why did I put it so high?", and yet we continue to do so. 

Rightly so. Why should we cheapen ourselves by storing that seldom used pasta maker at a shoulder height position? Answer: We shouldn't. 

With a paper book at your disposal, you can put whatever you want, as high as you want. Just whip out a few trusty books, build a step, and retrieve your goodies! 

I'd like to see a fancy E-Book do that! Even if the device could take your weight without smashing to pieces, the likelihood is that you would need ten or more devices to make any significant height gains. 
Books - Nature's steps

Once again, the traditional paper book triumphs over its new world, electronic rival. 

Now, obviously this was just a bit of fun, and despite our preference of a good old paper book, we hope you enjoy World Book Day on 5th March no matter how you choose to read (even if it is an E-Book!). 

Click the link below to visit the official World Book Day Website:
